English and literature teacher shades tears of joy

Teachers at Bishop Fynn Secondary School in Pader district bagged millions of money for the hard work exhibited in last year UCE results.
While receiving the motorcycle, Mr. Aragamoy Peter Ogena English and literature teacher broke into tears as the director mentioned his named for the Award of a motorcycle.
The director of the school Monsignor Sebastian Odong who double as rector Lacor seminary awarded the teachers for the best work exhibited in the Last year exams were the school emerged the best in Northern Uganda and number 54 countrywide.
The biggest cash rewards were eight hundred and sixty thousand handed to Mr. Ocitti a History and Geography teacher.
Monsignor Odong the school director attributed the success to fear of God instilled in the heart of the students.
Bishop Fynn Secondary School is founded by Monsignor Sebastian Odong rector Lacor Seminary and guided by Gulu archdiocese with support from bishop Fynn an American based archbishop.

Hydrocephalus which also known as “water in the brain, “can cause death

Opak Rwot Ivan a primary five pupil of Pece Pimary School can not do much of what his fellow colleagues in the class can do because of physical disability.
Opak Rwot has hydrocephalus which is also known as “water in the brain,” a medical condition in which there is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles, or cavities, of the brain.

This may cause increased intracranial pressure inside the skull and progressive enlargement of the head, convulsion, tunnel vision, and mental disability. Hydrocephalus can also cause death but for Opak Rwot, he has lived and now goes to school

Hellen Achan, the Headmistress of Pece Primary School says that she pays special attention to Opak Rwot who has hydrocephalus and is paralyzed in the leg is so passionate about education and cries when his teachers mark him wrong.

Josephine Lamuno,a teacher of Opak Rwot says that he at times comes late though he stays nearby at Pece Pawel.Lamuno adds that the pupils are supportive and this encourages Opakwrot to be social and friendly though slow in speech and writing.
CURE Children’s Hospital of Uganda located in the city of Mable, in Mbale District, in Uganda’s Eastern Region handles such cases of hydrocephalus and many such children have benefited from their services and parents go there to have their children cured.