Peace in your own words and understanding.

In my programme you and your work, i engaged the listeners always to have their say on what they often hear  about but have never had the chance to speak out.

I asked what they understand by the word peace.” Peace has been defined by many scholars but according to their understanding or research but before you can one can practice something or be an advocate of something, he or she have their own understanding of what it is.”

Mzee Okumu from Lacor in Gulu District called in and said to him peace begins with an individual, in their minds, relationships with their family before coming out to the community or society, be he leader or not.

Adong Lucy from Telagopa says that peace is when you have the freedom to say what you want and you say it without being oppressed be it in your own house or in public.She adds that peace goes  hand in hand with respect from both the husband and wife for a family as the smallest unit of the nation to coexist especially peacefully in the house.

Many of the callers also agreed that respect for human rights to freely live and go about their business in accordance with the law brings about peace in the community. But in some instances such freedoms have been infringed on by state agents who try to cover up their wrong doings like committing offenses like unnecessary beating and throwing tear gas during chaotic scenes for instance demonstrations or protests that in most cases begin peacefully but turn out to be violent when police appears at the scene.

Human Rights Watch carried out investigations into fatal and non-fatal shootings by the security forces, as well as abuses such as beatings, theft, and rape that occurred on three of the most violent days of the demonstrations, April 14, 21, and 29, 2011. Based on multiple eyewitness accounts, Human Rights Watch documented at least nine unarmed people killed by government forces – six in Kampala, two in Gulu, and one in Masaka – none of whom were actively involved in rioting.

Therefore, many look at peace as silence of the gun and also peace in the family, respect for human rights and having leaders account for their work in their offices.

journalists trained on Human Rights reporting

Journalist in northern Uganda receive training on human rights and use of new media technology to enhance accurate reporting,

Gerald Businge a journalist elaborated some of the ways of opening up blogs and web pages through using to simplify dissemination of information in the digital world,

He said that by journalist adapting to using new media they are able to communicate world wide without limitation,

Cue in // Businge // 0772627676

Moses Seruwanga a journalist and a lawyer said that human rights should be emphasized as journalist to avoid self censorship,

He further told the journalist to endeavor and emulate human rights activist so us to promote equality,

Cue in // Moses //

The training is organized by Uganda media development foundation to strengthen the capacity of journalist to use the internet for the purposes of research publication and distribution of news and information